Structured or Unstructured Abstract Writing Help and Service

We can provide you with the abstract writing help and service you need for your thesis, capstone, project, dissertation, or research paper in humanities, social science, or science. Our writers understand that a structured, unstructured, or graphical abstract should provide an overview of your paper. Therefore, if you need help writing an abstract for a thesis, capstone project, dissertation, conference paper, book chapter, online journal, or research paper, our writers can help. Upon reading this post, you will understand (a) the purpose of an abstract, (b) the different types of abstracts, (c) abstract structures, and (d) the characteristics of an effectively written abstract. But first, what is an Abstract? An abstract is a 150 to 250 words paragraph containing concise and powerful statements describing your work, be it a dissertation, conference paper, book chapter, online journal, or research paper.

Purpose of an Abstract

The purpose of an abstract is to provide the readers with a comprehensive overview of your thesis, capstone, project, dissertation, or research paper. Therefore, an abstract should describe your paper and be structured according to your discipline as a concise summary. The components of an abstract vary according to discipline, as discussed below. Hence, you need to be aware of the one most appropriate in your case.

Types of Abstracts

Abstracts can either be descriptive or informative. A descriptive abstract provides an overview of the information discussed in your work. In a descriptive abstract, the writer does not make judgments about the work, meaning results or conclusions are not provided. In contrast, informative abstracts, which are the most common, are a surrogate of a broader document. If you need descriptive or informative humanities, social sciences, or scientific abstracts, we can help. As discussed below, the requirements that should be included in an abstract differ across academic disciplines.

Humanities Abstract

A humanities abstract should provide a concise overview of the paper’s content. The four core components that should be included in the abstract are:

  • The paper’s topic: In the first abstract’s first sentence, the paper’s general topic should be described.
  • Thesis statement: The second sentence should be the paper’s thesis statement.
  • Midpoints: The subsequent sentences should focus on providing the core points of the paper in the same order in which the information was discussed in the document.
  • Keywords: The keywords should be derived from the topic and main points.

Historical abstract sample reference: Photiadou, A. J. (2022). Un-British no more: Torture and interrogation by Britain in Germany, 1945–1954. Journal of Contemporary History, Article 00220094221087854.

Scientific Abstract

The purpose of a scientific abstract is to provide the reader with information about the process and purpose of an experiment performed. The abstract can be written in past tense and passive voice. A scientific abstract should provide answers to the following questions:

  1. What was done, and why was it done?
  2. How was it done? The process should be explained in a concise and chronological manner
  3. What did you find?
  4. What do the findings mean?
  5. Why should the reader care?
    Conclude the abstract with the keywords.

Scientific abstract sample reference: Lalit, P. A., Salick, M. R., Nelson, D. O., Squirrell, J. M., Shafer, C. M., Patel, N. G., … & Kamp, T. J. (2016). Lineage reprogramming of fibroblasts into proliferative induced cardiac progenitor cells by defined factors. Cell Stem Cell, 18(3), 354-367.

Social Sciences Abstract

Social science abstracts are mainly written to describe facts and interpretations that have proven true. However, the abstracts can also include explanations of a social phenomenon studied. Get reliable social sciences abstract witting help now.

Social sciences abstract sample reference: Gonalons-Pons, P., & Schwartz, C. R. (2017). Trends in economic homogamy: Changes in assortative mating or the division of labor in marriage? Demography, 54(3), 985-1005.

Abstract Structures

At Blackboard Research Writing, we develop structured or unstructured abstracts. Also, we can include a graphical abstract if you need one after developing a structured or unstructured abstract.

Structured Abstract: A structured abstract contains sub-headings, such as; the introduction, problem/background, research question, methodology, results, discussion, and implications.

Unstructured Abstract: An unstructured abstract is the opposite of a structured abstract because it is written in prose form.

Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract provides the readers with a concise, visual summary of the article’s conclusions. The abstract presented as an image should be legible at a width of 525 pixels.

Characteristics of an Abstract Written by Our Professional Writers: Abstract Witting Help you can Trust

Discipline-specific: Our writers ensure that your abstract is specific to your discipline.
Length limit: Our experts ensure that your document is within 150 to 250 words.
Concise summary: An abstract is not an introduction or executive summary but an overview of your thesis, capstone, project, dissertation, or research paper; hence we do not include new information that is not in the paper.
Congruent with the paper’s organization: Our experts ensure that the abstract follows the paper’s organization.
Keywords: We include keywords to help the readers identify the main points and/or additional published articles/papers relevant to your research. At least 1 to 2 keywords should be in the title.

Abstract Checklist

– Is the content clear and easily understood by a wide audience without too much technical language or jargon?
– Has the content been presented concisely and correctly?
– Was the abstract written in the correct voice (1st or 3rd person)?
– Have you included keywords?
– Does the content fit within the word count?

Get structured or unstructured abstract writing help and service for your thesis, capstone, journal, conference proceeding, project, dissertation, or research paper in humanities, social sciences, and science. Click below.

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